29th August 2006
I arrived at Joan Smee's house as arranged at 10.30 a.m. After making
a mug of tea for each of us we sat in the lounge while she spent some
time showing me several of her other pictures and portraits, explaining
how they had come about, that she had a son-in-law who was a photographer
and sign writer who scanned them and printed them for her, etc.
Joan's portraits were on A2 paper, in pastel and were life size; full
colour, except for the quick ones she produced at various events she attended.
In due course Joan brought out the portrait of Lorelei and propped it
against the fireplace. It was a straight on portrait; I could see something
in it but did not really like it, there was not much of a likeness to
Lorelei as I knew her. Joan was looking for my reaction and sensed my
feelings before I voiced them.
At that point, Lorelei said, "That's the best you will get."
I did not know quite what to make of that, though, given Lorelei's sense
of humour, I should have done.
Joan then brought out a second portrait, one with a view of her that was
more to the side. The appearance was very different to the first portrait.
I had not been sure what to expect, or how I would react. My very detailed
recollection of Lorelei was a fifteen year memory, though the description
in the text of "Remembering Lorelei" is quite thorough, written
immediately after the event. over the intervening years what i have seen
of her has been very frequent but much more "subdued".
I am extremely self critical and most of my writing goes through numerous
gestations. On that basis I felt that Joan's second portrait was about
95% to 98% of the way there. I was quite pleased with it and was looking
forward to showing my Healer Colleagues, particularly Judy Diaper, who
was sufficiently visual and in tune to have seen Lorelei herself; others,
such as Lene Foot, had felt her presence, had conversations with
her, etc.
The more I looked at the protrait, the more it grew on me and the better
I felt about it.
Joan had taken
a couple of digital photos of the portraits. I took a few myself but left
them with her to be scanned by her son-in-law.
28th August 2006
In the evening I received a 'phone call from Joan Smee to say she had
a completed portrait. It had taken me a little by surprise as she had
done it relatively quickly, at least compared with what I had expected.
I arranged to go to see Joan on the following morning.
Saturday 26th August 2006 - Havant Town Fair
Although Jo and I were attending a barbecue at a friend's house in the
afternoon, I wanted to go to the Havant Town Fair in the morning. The
Town Fair is held annually and centred on St Faith Church.
I had forgotten that the Town Fair is usually opened by the Mayor, who,
this year, is Councillor Richard Brown. I caught up with him
in the grounds of the Church; he remembered me and was his usual friendly
self. Councillor Brown is Labour, rather than the ruling Conservative
faction, and, essentially, one of the "good guys"; few and far
between in Havant Council.
Richard Brown said that he became a Councillor to change things.
However, it seems that he then realised he could not, though, in that,
he was no different to anyone else. As I had found, as well as an experienced
retiring Councillor having told me, the Council Officers determine how
Havant Council is run, not the Councillors; warped "democracy"
but that is how it is.
Councillor Brown is a Mayor with a difference, preferring to be known
as Richard rather than bothering with any titles. Also, since he has a
young family, his wife is not his Mayoress; Richard invites various other
people, including children, to accompany him instead.
However, Richard Brown did say he regularly visited my Web Sites.
Councillor Richard Brown was present at a public meeting in Havant Borough
Council Offices in September 2004 when the then Mayor, Councillor
June Fulcher, prevented me from speaking; I was the only person to be
denied their right to do so; maybe that has something to do with his interest
in my Web Sites.
(Councillor Fulcher was one of my Ward Councillors who, I thought, were
supposed to defend the rights of Residents; she was also well aware of
my esoteric side; since 1993, or thereabouts, when we were both Governors
at Bosmere School, Havant.)
Councillor Ray Bolton
was also there, along with a presentation of plans for Havant Town Centre.
As someone else remarked, that was a very odd role for a Councillor; surely
that was a job for a Council Officer.
11th August 2006
I arrived at Joan Smee's house at about 11.00 a.m. We had a
long conversation about our mutual backgrounds, particularly our experiences
involving esoteric matters. In particular, I told Joan about Lorelei and
the book, leaving a copy of the Book Proposal, the Introduction, and sample
Chapters. Joan had told me about her approach to producing psychic portraits
and said she would let me know when she came up with something.
Thursday 10th August 2006
Having received and E-mail from Tony Ashenden of the Joseph Carey
Foundation giving me the telephone number for Joan Smee, the psychic artist
recommended to me by fellow Healer Sue Bosiecki, I 'phoned Joan for what
I thought might be a brief preliminary chat; our conversation stretched
to well over an hour. I explained that Sue had suggested I contact her
with a view to her, hopefully, being able to produce a portrait of Lorelei.
We arranged to meet the following morning for a couple of hours, before
iI went to see a client not far away from where she lived.
Sunday 9st August
Sylvie, my Editor, Proof Reader, arrived at 10.00 a.m., as arranged, to
discuss the text of my book, "Remembering Lorelei". It was the
first time that Jo had met Sylvie.
As it had been decided that the relationship between Jo and Lorelei would
have to go into the public domain with the book,or ahead of it, I asked
Sylvie what she sensed from Jo's aura. Sylvie said she did not really
see auras but felt them more; Jo's to her. was gentle and loving. Later,
while at lounge table with final stages of the manuscript, Sylvie said
that thinking of Lorelei being very strong and quite capable of doing
what she wanted, if the colours of Lorelei's aura were bright, Jo's were
pastel; broadly equals but Jo much more laid back.
Our discussions on the manuscript were fairly detailed and very useful,
constructive, though we did wander into connected areas at times. the
morning was interrupted by a large B&Q lorry parked outside our house
for some time. It transpired that Sylvie's car was blocking its path,
though it took us some time to realise that as her car was hidden by the
tall hedge in our front garden. Sylvie had parked to leave plenty of room
for cars to get past but, as she said, did not think about having to allow
for such large vehicles in a residential road.
10th August 2006
There was a Breakfast Briefing at the Langstone
Hotel, organised by Portsmouth
and South East Hampshire Chamber of Commerce; a Presentation on E-mail
Etiquette by The Really
Helpful IT Company. I thought it might be about somewhat more than
just the etiquette of E-mails and that is just how it turned out; overall
very useful.
The down side, from the Hotel point of view, was the poor catering for
those of us of a vegetarian persuasion. The only alternative to bacon
roles was yogurt and fresh fruit. that did not seem very good for such
a large hotel. Apparently that was not what the Chamber Staff had ordered.
On a more positive note, the Presentation itself was very helpful, though
the presenters were as unsure as myself about the exact legalities of
E-mails being blocked, as E-mails of mine to Havant Borough Councillors
had been blocked by Havant Borough Council Officers.
9th August 2006
Emma, our daughter, had paid for a horse riding experience with a difference;
it was a Christmas present but I had waited for the better whether to
take it up. Last year Jo and I had a bad experience at a New Forest Equestrian
Centre; that had also been a present.
found out about Russell's
Equestrian Centre which takes a very different approach to horse riding,
more "Horse Whisperer" style, being one with the horse, or as
close as possible, and the ride being a mutual experience, hopefully a
mutually enjoyable one. That approach was especially appealing considering
my non-physical side and involvement as a Healer (Psychic
My instructor
turned out to be Carol Boulton,
a Hampshire County Councillor. She introduced me to the horse, Cookie,
a white mare. In view of my Healing background, Carol said Cookie had
a hole in her energy and asked if I could see it. I did; there was not
one but two, on Cookie's left side, head and flank, which I told carol
about after the riding. She said that was correct and that Cookie had
a weak muscle on her left flank; also they were sure that Cookie had been
involved in an accident, while in harness.
The riding session itself was fascinating; only round in circles in a
paddock but more worthwhile that a couple of hours across the New Forest
the year before as I was connecting with the horse. Given my non-physical
abilities, I was not only able to see the holes in Cookie's energy but
also saw her aura, like green flames, two to three inches in length, around
her physical body.
I looked at the horizon, rather than follow the movement of Cookie's head,
that making it easier to resist he horse's motion. It was even easier
when I Followed Carol's suggestion and closed my eyes; riding that way
was fascinating and made it much easier to connect with the horse.
Tuesday 1st August 2006
In “The News” (Portsmouth), today, there was an article by
reporter Jenny Haworth, “Petition over plan to close key town route”,
“Hundreds protest at proposal to block traffic aimed at heavy lorries”,
on page 14. It was about proposal to block off Brockhampton Lane, a road
on a trading estate in Havant. Blocking off the road at both ends would
make it difficult for motorists to gain access to Havant Spiritualist
Church, the Ex-Servicemen’s Club and CJH Tyres.
David Gillett was quoted as saying that the Council had to act because
the road was unsuitable for heavy traffic but, following the outcry, officers
are now considering just narrowing the north end of the road rather than
completely blocking it.
live in a road that is unsuitable for heavy traffic. However, we regularly
have vehicles up to forty tonnes using it to gain access to Copsey’s
Nursery. The Council has not only did nothing about it, they had tarmac
put over areas of grass between the road and the pavement to encourage
heavy vehicles up onto the pavement on a bend and, almost, into the gardens
on the other side of the path, whereas, in other parts of Havant bollards
have been erect to prevent such incursions on footpaths.
The only
restriction is an overnight ban on such vehicles which is regularly broken
with no enforcement by either the Council or the Police.
the road is being progressively damaged.
So, the Council
wishes to prevent heavy vehicles using a road in a trading estate that
they consider is not suitable for heavy traffic, while doing nothing about
such vehicles using a residential road which is unsuitable and actually
putting in facilities to encourage them to use it.
far as Brockhampton Lane is concerned, Councillor Nigel Tarrant, Head
of Transport for Havant Borough Council, is quoted as saying, "The
plans have been deferred while officers look at all the possibilities
at the West Street end of the road.”
the Council listens, or at least begins to do so, if enough people protest,
and just might, in the end, act differently; though not in the Denvilles
part of Havant, it seems.
It is rare for the Havant Council to take much, if any, notice of residents,
unless forced to do so; the outcome of this particular saga could go either